About Us

What makes us different: Unique advantages for our members.

From our collaborative nature to our access to broad patient data to our collective expertise in complicated cases, FLIPA brings the power of a larger organization to care for patients. By coordinating across dozens of providers and agencies, we help every member deliver the best care across every kind of specialty service. Here’s how.


We’re the first organization in the region to bring together behavioral health, substance use, and primary care under a single umbrella to meet the needs of underserved populations.

Tech Savvy

Payers know that FLIPA is treating complex patient issues, and that we have a dedicated group of providers and a community focus. And we can back up our work with data and results.


FLIPA members across 27 counties learn from each other, encourage each other, and gain new thinking among colleagues.


Forward Leading IPA (“FLIPA”) has established a Corporate Compliance Program that takes a comprehensive, organizational approach.

Dedicated professionals

FLIPA members get the power of collaboration for some of the most challenging, vulnerable populations.

Shared goals

FLIPA members are all working toward the same objectives—wellness for the same at-risk population that includes warm hand-offs between agencies, which benefits patients immensely.